Among our Joys
We join Tom and Kris Moore in celebration of the birth of their grandchild on June 1st, Leo Cameron Moore. We hold in our prayers baby Leo and parents, Cam Moore and Lisa Brown.
We send our blessings and pray for Sabrina Ebengho who traveled this week to Lubumbashi, Kolwezi, Congo where she will spend the summer as an intern at an HIV clinic and advocacy center.
Among our Concerns
Denise Hill, currently being hospitalized in critical condition as result of a stroke she endured on Sunday (6/5).
Reid Ozaki, friend of Sue Simpson who was diagnosed with COVID
Jan Geinger
Savannah Batista Hess, Betty Alvarado's granddaughter
Daughter-in-law of Maggie Olsen, Laurie Olson
Steve Johnson
Charlene Housman
Marylu Mills
Daniel Davis, friend of Susan Pearson
Rachel Morford, daughter of Mary Morford
For our homebound friends, Helen Bosley, Elaine Jonson, Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Jane Nelson, Marylu and Thomas Mills and Jim and Kay Thompson.
Among our local and global community concerns:
We lift up all in Ukraine in harm’s way, and refugees around the world seeking safety and dignity. Our faith compels us to welcome the immigrant and the refugee as a sibling of our own; we pray for the hearts and minds of all to open and for will and clarity to work together to mend the many broken systems of government and society to make this place more like the one God intended for all of God’s people.
We pray for the 66 current residents living at the village on 6th and Orchard, including 20 of whom are children and youth. We pray for peace in the midst of the many circumstances in which those experiencing houselessness endure. We also pray for a renewed sense of urgency in our city, neighborhood, and congregation in our work to secure housing as a right for all human beings, full stop.
We lift up all who are left in the wake of the tragedies brought to a fore by this country’s complex of white superiority and gun violence. We pray for all whose lives have been forever changed, and for all who dwell in fear. We ask for the Spirit to continue stirring in the hearts of all whose power it is to change the toxic laws, theologies and worldviews that perpetuate the subjugation of human life for profit.
We pray for our Global Ministry partners this week in Honduras, supporting many after great need still persists in the wake of hurricanes Eta and Iota, a year and a half after their destruction. We pray for the safety of the transportation workers who protest by blocking highways, who strike because they can no longer afford to pay the extortion “tax” demanded by the gangs while the price of gas rises ever higher. We pray for new opportunity through jobs and education for the youth of Honduras so the gangs no longer hold this power. We pray for the students who are returning to school, after a two-year hiatus.