The Center for
Spirituality & the Arts
From Executive Director, Ben Smith
In the midst of much that is challenging and so much change to our everyday lives I believe that it's comforting to know that there is a community of caring and heart-centered people who are working on the corner of 6th Avenue and Orchard to make our community a little better. One of the many ways we are doing this is through the Center for Spirituality and the Arts to offer music and art lessons, rent-free instruments for loan, and scholarships for students in need -- as well as learning opportunities for the entire community.
We have two functional music studios, one currently used by pianist, technician, performer and teacher Nate Dybevik (who is our first educator through the Center). These rooms are still in process of being set up, but we are excited to have instruments and space to work from!
We have been gifted with many musical instruments and sheet music over the past year, including five boxes of high quality music, ready to be given to the Center's music students.
Band wind Instruments were donated by Martha Davidson and Roger Davidson (who also donated sheet music) and are a part of the collection of instruments that we are preparing to offer to under-advantaged students in the Tacoma area as part of our rent-free instrument loan program.
All of these instruments and the music will be a part of our rent-free student loan program that will give access to under-advantaged students while they are a part of learning and lessons through the Center for Spirituality and the Arts.