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Writer's pictureRev. Doug Collins

Sanctuary Improvements: An update!

Dear friends,

I am excited to share that thanks to the work of our staff and Board leadership, we are ready to present to the congregation two options for replacing the current flooring in the narthex and sanctuary. Part of the exciting piece of this project is the opportunity for us to make the sanctuary a more versatile space by converting the existing pews to be moveable and by adding supplementary high-quality upholstered sanctuary chairs; imagine concerts, artful prayer stations, room to experiment with alternative seating for differently-abled individuals...the possibilities are endless! The remaining pews leftover will be re-purposed and made into liturgical display pillars of varying lengths, plus new, matching prayer station tables!

As I mentioned earlier, the Board is at a stage in the process where they need your input before we schedule our order and installation. Since our goal is to have the new flooring and seating installed by the end of the Summer, you will have a chance this Sunday and next to see the color combination options which will be on display in the narthex, as well as sample of the new chair. Quick note - given helpful feedback we've recceived about the current blue sanctuary chairs as being a little too low, we're glad to share that the chair we have chosen for order is several inches higher and significantly firmer. Be sure to get it a try this Sunday!

As this is a community decision, it is vital that as many people participate as possible in this process. Be on the lookout this Sunday for an online version of the poll for anyone unable to see the options in-person. As always, if you have any questions, feedback, concerns, whatever is on your mind, I'm here to talk, as is our wonderful moderator Jeanette, and our Board as a whole.

We look forward to improving our already beautiful worship space, and in doing so, making it even more accessible and able to fulfill even more of our mission as a church who stands for justice and affirms the artistic expression of all of God's beloved children.

See you Sunday with carpet samples!

With love,

Pastor Doug


Among our Joys

  • This week we lift up all school staff, teachers and administrators as they rest from a trying year in this season. We give thanks for all who pour themselves into the teaching and raising of our children, and we pray that all of us will accept the responsibilities necessary to support them and to listen to them, especially in challenging times like these.

Among our Concerns

  • We add back to our concerns September Petersen who is battling a resurgence of cancer.

  • Charlene Housman

  • Steve Johnson

  • Bear, Melanie Peabody's partner

  • Daniel Davis, friend of Susan Pearson

  • Rachel Morford, daughter of Mary Morford

  • We pray for our homebound friends, Helen Bosley, Elaine Jonson, Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Jane Nelson, Marylu and Joseph Mills and Jim and Kay Thompson.

Among our local and global community concerns:

  • We pray for the victims of yet another mass shooting that took place in Parkland Heights, Chicago over the the Independence Day Weekend, and for the dozens of others who fell victim to countless other mass shootings that have taken place across the country, even just since our last prayer time together. May God have mercy, may the Senate grow a spine, may we never grow complicit or apathetic to the change God is compelling us to make for protecting the health and safety of all.

  • We lift up all in Ukraine and others in harm's way, and for refugees throughout the world seeking safety.

  • We pray for all who are living currently at the village on 6th and Orchard; pray for peace in the midst of the many circumstances in which those experiencing houselessness endure. We also pray for a renewed sense of urgency in our city, neighborhood, and congregation in our work to secure housing as a right for all human beings.

  • This week, we lift up our Global Ministries partners in Botswana, Kgolagano College, the Botswana Synod – United Congregational Church of Southern of Africa (UCCSA) and Botswana Council of Churches.


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