Among our Joys:
We give God thanks for the baptismal affirmation of our own Cherry and Kimberly LaCross. May God continue to bless their lives of faith as God blesses each of us with the same signs of peace, forgiveness, and hope. We celebrate the new identity we have in Christ as we put away our selves for the work of God to shine within.
Among our concerns, we add to our prayers:
Hamish (Hey-mish) Youtzy, grandson of Marilyn and Richard Youtzy was born January 3 and is currently in the NICU as he came prematurely. Please pray for Hamish, his parents, Brian and Jessica, and all of Marilyn and Richard's family and Hamish's medical team as they care for him and his family. Brian is Richard and Marilyn Youtzy’s son and his wife, Jessica
We add to our prayers Kimberly LaCross's sister-in-law, Tae LaCross as she battles breast cancer. Please lift up Tae, her husband, Tom, their loved ones, and all those on Tae's medical team giving her care.
We continue to pray for:
Norma Carolyn
Dan Ledbetter
Laura Cohthril
Danny Jablonski
Charlene Housman
For friends of our community undergoing health challenges:
Nancy, Loralie, Margo, Teresa, Cheryl and Ron
Martha Redford's nephew, Steve
We lift up our homebound friends:
Harry and Margaret Lobberegt
Helen Bosley
Dorothy Beeles
Anastasia Cox and her daughter, Lela
Joseph Mills
Jane Nelson
Among our local and global community:
We pray for peace throughout the world. For an end to violence in all its forms, including those perpetuated in the guise of national interest. We pray for Syria, for Palestine and Gaza, for those intwined in war in Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen, for Ukraine, Russia, for those in conflict fighting for justice in Bangladesh, for Afghanistan, Somalia, and in many more places around the world.
We pray for the village on 6th and Orchard, and for those who find themselves without shelter.
We lift up our Global Ministries partners, this week, in China.
If you'd like to share a prayer joy or concern, please contact Pastor Doug at doug@fcctacoma.org or by calling the church office. Please indicate whether your prayer is to be shared publicly, or if you'd like it to be kept private.