Among our Joys:
We celebrate with the Ebengho family that daughter Mazz is now married to Rudy! They gathered here yesterday with close family and friends to celebrate the signing of their marriage license! Their ceremony will be April 13th, at 1 pm, to allow all their family to join. We celebrate with Rudy and Mazz the start of their married lives together, and thank God for our shared community and mutual care and support!
On Wednesday, our congregation will host the Tacoma Joint Youth Group at 6:00 for a meal, and an evening of making and breaking bread together.
Information about this group’s retreat on Vashon Island at the end of April is also available; please contact Doug or myself to ensure that any youth you know are registered.
We also lift to God this community, each of us, during this time of Lent, as we reflect on the barriers that keep us apart from God and one another. We pray that through self-examination and study, we learn to repent - to change so that those barriers may fade away. Our lenten book study and midday meditations continue, as we look toward the joy of Easter.
Easter brunch food signup as well as signups for the Prayer Vigil will be in the narthex or you can contact Cassie at
We welcome Dean Kris Culp from the Disciples Divinity House at the University of Chicago.
We pray for:
Danny Jablonski, recovering after a trip to the hospital Saturday night with breathing issues.
Among our concerns:
Misty Hahn-Zwosta
Marc Master
Dan Leadbetter
Alex Tapia
Corrine Bahrke's friend, Loralie
Martha Redford's friends, Margo and Teresa
For all our homebound friends, including Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Helen Bosley, Marylu and Joseph Mills and Jane Nelson.
Among our local and global community,
Those in harm's way in Gaza, Ukraine, and many other places around the world in the midst of genocide, conflict, and strife
We lift up the village on 6th and Orchard
We pray for the dignity of all fleeing violence. Jesus, who himself was a refugee in Egypt, calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. God’s realm transcends human borders. We pray for peace, for the breaking down of barriers, for the melting of weapons, and for the building of true community among all the peoples of the world.
We lift up our Global Ministries partners in Japan, The National Council of Churches, which continues to advocate for Japan’s model peace constitution and an end to militarization.
If you'd like to share a prayer joy or concern, please contact Pastor Doug at or by calling the church office. Please indicate whether your prayer is to be shared publicly, or if you'd like it to be kept private.