Among our Joys:
We give thanks for our Disciples singers who brought some Christmas joy to the Eliseo retirement community yesterday. There'll be another chance to join their caroling efforts on December 9th at Hearthstone memory care center. Please contact Ben if you're interested!
Our children's Christmas puppet pageant planning is underway! Our first rehearsal is next Sunday - please contact Susan Pearson if you're like to participate!
Among our concerns, we pray for:
Katy Mundy, recovering from surgery
Sue Simpson she await medical test results
Alex Tapia
Larry Levy
Mel Peabody, her partner, Bear and their family
Corrine Bahrke's friend, Loralie
Martha Redford's friends, Margo and Teresa
For all our homebound friends, for Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Helen Bosley, Marylu and Joseph Mills and Jane Nelson.
Among our local and global community,
Those in harm's way due to war and the warring ways of those with power, we pray for those in Gaza and all whose lives are at risk in the midst of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and for the many whose lives have been cut short at the hands of a collective of nations' so-called interests, including the United States. We pray for a ceasefire.
We continue to pray for those in Ukraine, Afghanistan, and many other places around the world in the midst of conflict and strife.
We lift up the village on 6th and Orchard, remembering too those of our neighbors who remain especially vulnerable in this season. We pray for the fervor to continue doing all we can to care for the least among us in tangible, faith-filled ways.
We lift up our Global Ministries partners this week in East Timor.
If you'd like to share a prayer joy or concern, please contact Pastor Doug at doug@fcctacoma.org or by calling the church office. Please indicate whether your prayer is to be shared publicly, or if you'd like it to be kept private.