Among our Joys:
We give thanks for this day of epiphany, the gift of God's Spirit among us. We pray for the Spirit to be with us in this place as we worship God, and indeed to weave among all the peoples of the whole world this day, that we be agents for God's peace, justice, and love.
Among our concerns, we pray for:
We continue to pray for Harriet Wright, for Corrine Bahrke's friend, Loralie, and for Martha's friends, Margo and Teresa.
We lift up our homebound friends, Harry and Margaret Lobberegt, Helen Bosley, Marylu and Joseph Mills, and Jane Nelson.
Among our local and global community,
We pray for the victims of the genocide taking place in Gaza. May God grant courage to each and every one of us to speak and stand for justice for all of God's children, regardless of the nuance of politics. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We continue to pray for those in Ukraine, Afghanistan, and many other places around the world in the midst of conflict and strife.
We lift up the village on 6th and Orchard, remembering too those of our neighbors who remain especially vulnerable in this season.
We lift up our Global Ministries partners, this week, The Christian Council of Mozambique (CCM), which works to promote opportunities for spiritual, material, and behavioral change in communities vulnerable to socio-economic injustice, food insecurity, and violations of rights so that they can develop local capacities to participate actively in local development processes.
If you'd like to share a prayer joy or concern, please contact Pastor Doug at or by calling the church office. Please indicate whether your prayer is to be shared publicly, or if you'd like it to be kept private.